Stock / Order Administration

Order administration
  • The order administration gives you an overview of all completed orders sorted descending.
  • It provides information about the order number, invoice number, the payment method and the order date. Furthermore you can open a popup window containing the complete information of one order.
  • You can email your customer, change the status of the order and print an invoice, delivery note or a reminder.
  • After payment deadline the shop admin will be alerted by a blinking icon showing that the invoice has not been payed in time. Set this feature in the "Payment Methods" > "Invoice". 
Stock administration
  • The Stock Administration gives you an overview of all items stored in your shop. You can order the columns ascending or descending by clicking the column header.
  • The column "in Stock" represents the number of items you will be able to ship. If you do not want to use this feature for a specified item just leave the "in Stock" field blank.
  • When a customer adds a certain number of items to his cart, the shop stock will be reduced by the same quantity.
  • If you set "Allow out of Stock Orders" in the general settings customers are able to order out of stock items. They will be alerted that they will get a subsequent delivery. If you unset "Allow out of Stock Orders" customers are only able to order available items.
  • If a customer cancels his order the ordered items will be put back to stock immediately.
  • If a customer does not submit his order, the ordered items will be put back to stock and the order will be deleted at the earliest 1 hour after the customers first call of the Bakery cart.

Keep in mind that the "in Stock" value does not show items in customer carts nor items that are blocked by a uncompleted order. So be careful editing the stock values while your shop is online. Please consider to set your shop offline (do so in the page settings) for maintenance purposes.