
  • If you need different categories, just make different Bakery pages or Bakery subpages for each category.
  • Do not create more than 1 Bakery section per page since every section will produce and show a cart of its own.
Item Images
  • Preselect the thumbnail resize in the page settings. You can edit the default sizes in the config.php file.
  • You can add multiple item images using the file upload at section "3. Add Images " of the "Add/Modify Item" page. You can upload as many images as you want.
  • Have your item images resized to a maximum width or height by checking the "Resize Image to" checkbox and entering a value for "max. Width" and "max. Height".  (Modify the default values of the "max. Width" and "max. Height" resize values in the config.php file.)
  • GIF images are not supported.
  • Images can be ordered manually. Also it is possible to add image data such as title, alt, caption and even assign an item attribute. If the image alt is left blank, Bakery first uses the image title or second the image caption, if one of them is provided (requires Bakery v1.70 or later).
  • To display the item images in your Bakery templates use the placeholders [THUMB], [THUMBS], [IMAGE] and [IMAGES].
  • Depending on your page settings the inserted images will be linked to the item detail page or the image will be overlayed on the current page using Lightbox2.
    [IMAGE] = Main item image selected at section "2. Product Images" of the "Add/Modify Item" page
    [IMAGES] = All item images except for the item main image
    [THUMB] = Thumbnail of the main item image selected at section "2. Product Images" of the "Add/Modify Item" page
    [THUMBS] = All thumbnails of the item images except for the item main image
Item options
  1. Set options and attributes in the item options part. You can set multiple options (e.g. colour; size; ...) and unlimited option attributes (e.g. red, green, blue...; XXL, XL, L, M, S...; ...).
  2. You can assign your predefined options and attributes to any item on the "Add product" or "Add/Modify Product" page. Furthermore you can set the price by using [=] (requires Bakery v1.10 or later) or a price variance by using [+] or [-] for each item attribute.
  3. Do not use the [=] operator more than once per item option since then Bakery will not know which option price should be considered.

Keep in mind that an item attribute price left blank or set to "= 0.00" will override the item price and set it to 0.00 on account of the equals sign.
In this case set the item attribute price to "+ 0.00" or "- 0.00".

Moving or duplicating items

You can move or duplicate items to other sections/pages.

By duplicating an item, all changes made to it will be effective to the original and the copy. After duplicating the copy is set inactive. It first expects to be modified, afterwards to be activated.


Bakery gives you complete control over your shop layout and design by using HTML templates and CSS classes.

Add all additional or statutory information about your shop like shipping rate, VAT, a link to terms and conditions, withdrawal instruction (de: Widerrufsbelehrung) etc. to the Bakery templates using HTML code.

There are 3 types of templates which are stored in different places - see the following chapters.

Template for Main page and item detail page

Customize the HTML templates of the main page (overview page) and the item detail page in the "Page Settings" > "Layout Settings" of the Bakery backend. You can use a different template for each page.

Placeholders use squared brackets, e.g. [WB_URL]. A help page at "Page Settings" > "Help" provides a list of keys to all placeholders.

If needed you can modify the default page template by editing the add.php file. The html code is saved as string in the $header, $item_loop, $footer, $item_header and $item_footer variables.

Templates for Invoice, delivery note, reminder and emails

Customize the HTML template of the printable invoice / delivery note / reminder and the text of all email templates in the Bakery backend "Payment Methods Settings" > "Modify Payment Method" > select "Invoice".

Invoice, delivery note and reminder are all using the same template. However, you can make different or additional sections by hiding a <div> using the placeholders [DISPLAY_INVOICE], [DISPLAY_DELIVERY_NOTE] and [DISPLAY_REMINDER] like this:

<div style="display: [DISPLAY_INVOICE];">Your specific invoice text.</div>

Placeholders use squared brackets, e.g. [WB_URL]. A help page at "Payment Methods Settings" > "Help" provides a list of keys to all placeholders.

All other templates

There is usually no need to modify other templates like cart, form, summary page, confirmations, MiniCart etc. But you can do so anyway by editing the HTML template files located at /bakery/templates/ .

Use the given placeholders in the curly braces, e.g. {WB_URL}. Keep comments like

<!-- BEGIN cust_country_block -->

intact since they are used by the template engine.


CSS classes give you more control over your shop design. Check them out in the /modules/bakery/frontend.css file.

Additionaly all Bakery content is wrapped by a <div> with the id=mod_bakery_wrapper_f.


Bakery makes use of some javascript functions to achieve address form functionality or delete an item in the cart.

A jQuery plug-in calculates prices depending on the selected item option.
Please note: This works on item detail pages only.

The javascript functions are located at /modules/bakery/frontend.js.