The Shop Module for WBCE CMS and WebsiteBaker CMS

Bakery is a shop module initially developed for WebsiteBaker CMS and works well with WBCE CMS too. It contains catalogue, cart, stock administration, order administration and invoice / delivery note / reminder printing feature. Payment in advance, invoice, cash on delivery or buy online and pick up in store. Different payment gateways like PayPal or SOFORT Überweisung.
Bakery does not seek to be a full-fledged webshop.
This feature list refers solely to the latest version.
- Shopping cart with payment in advance, invoice, cash on delivery, buy online and pick up in store and different payment gateways
- No additional skin, fits into your template
- If needed the shop layout and design can be completly customized by editing the HTML templates
- Use MiniCart to display the number of items and the total amount of all items in the cart on any page you want
- Cart view is optional after adding an item to the cart
- 3 checkout steps: address form > payment method > summary > click to buy
- Textfield at checkout lets customers attach a message to their order
- No customer registration needed
- For logged in customers Bakery tries to retrieve their address data of a previous order to prepopulat the address fields
- Optional shipping address
- Customer has to agree to your terms and conditions
- Supports different categories
- Sends emails with purchase details to shop merchant and to customer
- Order administration and invoice / delivery note / reminder printing feature
- Reminds the shop admin of unpayed invoices after payment deadline
- Item overview page with thumbnails/images, item names, prices, brief descriptions, item option(s), available stock and "Add to cart" buttons
- Item detail pages with thumbnails/images, item name, sku, price, shipping per item, full description, item option(s), available stock and "Add to cart" button
- SEO friendly URLs
- Supports multiple item thumbnails/images which can be ordered manually
- Supports image data such as title, alt, caption and an item attribute can be assigned
- Use Lightbox2 to show the item images
- WYSIWYG editor for the item full description
- Optional shipping per item
- Up to 3 free definable item fields
- Assign one of 3 predefined tax rates to a single item
- Multiple options (e.g. colour; size) and unlimited option attributes (e.g. red, green, blue...; XXL, XL, L, M, S) with price variance
- Optional stock administration
- Display item stock to customers as number, as image or as an info text (in stock | short of stock | out of stock)
- Option to switch item active/passive
- Move or duplicate an item with its thumbs and images to another section/page
- Upgrade script
- Prepopulated default settings
Module Copyright © 2007 - 2017, Christoph Marti
Please note: Christoph has stopped the support and development of this module. If you have any questions, post in the forum of your preferred CMS. DO NOT try to contact/bother the former module author!
This module is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License - version 2 or later, as published by the Free Software Foundation:
This module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.